"Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear, I rise"
Maya Angelou
What leaders and managers have said about ARISEtime
“Pat Joseph is a superbly skilful facilitator of organisational development. She brings an ideal combination of robust thinking and warm interpersonal energy. Faultlessly efficient, her work is grounded in a commitment to equalities with just the right blend of high expectations and practicality. Pat’s input has been absolutely crucial to the generation of a new strategy here at the Anne Frank Trust UK. Her facilitation of planning days with staff, many of whom had seen little need for organisational change, was so effective that those staff are lobbying me to bring her back – which I will definitely be doing. And for me as a leader, Pat’s positivity and insights have proved invaluable as I take the strategy forward. I cannot recommend her too highly.”
Tim Robertson, CEO, Anne Frank Trust

“I have really enjoyed the coaching sessions with Pat and have felt that Pat pushed me out of my comfort zone when needed without it being too uncomfortable or stressful! As a result, I feel that I have grown in my leadership skills and journey. Pat kept me on track and maintained momentum by joining me on my journey, checking in with me and providing positive and constructive feedback. It’s been a real pleasure!”
Phil Barron, CEO
“Pat worked with us to facilitate a number of reflective sessions with staff and students in the Drama Department. These sessions created a safe and inclusive space for students and staff to talk openly and courageously about their experience of racism and to begin to heal and move forward towards greater allyship, accountability and anti-racist action. She held these sessions with enormous skill and empathy, bringing her vast experience and wisdom to a complex and, at times, challenging situation.
Pat also provided invaluable counsel and support to the senior leadership team in the department, empowering us to affect longstanding change. From consulting on policy to bespoke professional development support and coaching, her astonishing work will have a lasting impact on the School.”
Orla O’loughlin, Vice Principal (Drama) and Gilly Roche, Head of Interdisciplinary Practice – Guildhall School of Music and Drama

“The coaching has helped me to feel more settled in my role which has meant that I’ve spent time paying attention to the needs of the team and how to develop it’s future this financial year. The coaching is very focussed and supportive and is tailored to the needs of the client”
Adam Thomas, Manager
“I can’t tell you how much your sessions have meant to me. I have bloomed under your coaching and encouragement. I am not sure where the magic lies but you have helped me to shape my future and come to terms with my past.
I cannot thank you enough for all you’ve done.”
Jeanetta Liburd, Vice Principle
"Pat’s coaching style invites compassion and honesty. Her authentic care for her clients transmits into a heightened appreciation of the value of true care for oneself and also those one leads. The impact on my leadership has been most pronounced in Pat’s encouragement to set healthy boundaries around work. She reinforced and legitimised what I already know deep down: that the importance of attending to the work/ life balance is crucial to ensure success in both realms. Pat’s attention to values-led practice has also been hugely influential in supporting me to manage the more challenging aspects of leadership, especially in relation to managing responsibility in making difficult decisions and holding the challenging conversations and situations which are all inevitable during periods of significant cultural change."
Professor Orla O'Loughlin, Vice Principle and Director of Drama Guildhall School of Music & Drama

"My coaching sessions with Pat were an invaluable part of my growth and development as a black, female leader. Pat role models radical candour, authenticity and compassion, while also holding a space that is joyful and abundant at all times. Our sessions gave me permission to step into my leadership in a way that felt true for me, and Pat's insightful, gentle questioning encouraged me to see things from a new perspective, without any sense of pressure of judgement. She also employs a range of different methodologies, including more embodied and spiritual approaches that really spoke to me and allowed me to tap into deeper truths. The coaching I received from Pat enabled me to make some vital changes to my professional and personal life which I wouldn't have had the courage to make otherwise. I can't recommend her enough."
Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Director of Movement Building New Economy Organisers Network